To enable us to complete a free financial health check, we’ll ask you to provide some basic information to help us understand more about your financial situation. This could include your income, expenses and debts. It may help to bring bank statements with you. If you have existing lending or credit cards, we can look at the interest rates you are currently paying.
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Free Financial Health Check
We understand that managing finances can be a daunting task. At Smart Money, we want to help you take control of your financial health. That’s why we’ve created a free financial health check service for our local customers in Jersey. It’s designed to provide you with the best possible support, tools and knowledge you need to make smart financial decisions.
Credit reports, explained
Not sure how credit scores work? Let us demystify your credit report, and give you an understanding of the smart financial behaviour that could help improve your credit score.
Be Smart about interest rates
Our free financial health check service can help you understand different interest rates on credit cards, loans and finance, and their impact on you. With this knowledge, you could avoid unnecessary costs and make informed decisions about borrowing and saving.
Debt consolidation
Managing multiple credit card or loan repayments every month can feel overwhelming and stressful. A financial health check can help you understand how much interest you are paying, and what solutions are available to repay multiple loans and credit card debt.
How it works
Getting started is easy. Get in touch with us using our quick and easy form. We’ll ask you to provide some basic information about your finances and once we have that, our team will work with you to analyse your current situation and provide you with financial education on topics like credit and debt. As a responsible lender, our goal is to help you become more financially literate and make informed decisions about your money.
We’re here to help.
What information do I need to provide for a financial health check?
Will a Smart Money Financial Health Check affect my credit score?
No, it will not affect your credit score in any way. Our aim is to support you in achieving better financial health, and we believe that helping people understand more about their finances can lead to smarter financial behaviour.
Will a financial health check cost me anything?
No, the financial health check service is completely free. We want to provide access to financial education and understanding to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. Whether you need some choices around managing debt or want to learn more about borrowing or saving to achieve your goals, we’re here to help.
Let us help you be Smart about your money.
Book your free financial health check today.
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